Saturday, May 18, 2013


Today, our last full day, was quite possibly the hardest and most convicting of the whole week.  First of all, we had to say goodbye to Wendell and Elizabeth Sheffield who had to get back home early for a graduation.  Things just weren't the same without them!  We had the opportunity to work at a children's food center in a remote area, quite a distance from our hotel.  This home functioned as a tuberculosis center some thirty plus years ago.  Now that tuberculosis has been eradicated in the country, it serves children that are malnourished.  Children ages newborn to eight years of age can live at this home for up to three months.  Their families have to leave them and can only visit a few hours each day on Fridays and Sundays.  We happened to be there today during visitation hours.  It was so incredibly hard to see these families reunite with their children, as it was evident how hard it was for them to be away, even though they were doing what was best for their children.  While we were there, a family came in to have their two children assessed by the doctor.  Both were malnourished and ended up staying.  The little boy was so upset the whole time we were there, wanting his parents and not understanding what was going on.  It was absolutely heartbreaking.  The puppets performed and we presented the gospel using the water bottle skit.  We also had the opportunity to love on the babies that were there.  This organization needs our prayers and resources so badly.  We were able to leave with them corn, rice, beans, salt, other food, toys, colors and coloring books.  When we placed the food in their pantry, it was sickening to see how low they were on food.  They need our help and resources SO badly!  Please pray for these families, that they will find the strength they need in God during this difficult time.  Pray that the children will have understanding and acceptance that only comes from God, as their parents are putting their best interests at heart.  And lift up the staff, that they will be encouraged and receive the support necessary to sustain the home.  Our group knows that God has commanded us to take care of the least of these at this home.  We look forward to sharing how those willing can help.  For now, please pray!

We had one last dinner as a group.  Our interpreters Jose and Alejandra shared how much this week meant to them.  And we shared how much of a blessing they had been to us.  It was a moving time as a group.  We all linked arms and prayed together.  This beautiful country and people have been such a blessing to us.  It is hard to imagine how we're going to get on our plane and leave tomorrow.  Please pray for the country of Guatemala, the people and the work God is doing here.  And please remember us as we return home tomorrow.  We thank and love you!  

Wendell & Elizabeth

Sara, Jay, Ori, Edwin, Amy & Jose

Mateo & Cherene

Austin, Daniel & Andy

Alejandra, Amber & Rachel

Andrew & Kelcei


Our group had another amazing day!  We started things off by heading to a remote village around two hours away.  It was intensely hot (hottest we have been since arrival!) and there was an enormous amount of poverty.  We worked with the people of the community at the local church.  The puppets made an appearance, the gospel was presented using the EvangeCube and Belmont/water bottle skit and we handed out food bags to the families, as well as candy, cookies, juice and crayons to the children.  We also had the opportunity to pray with each lady/man that picked up a food bag.  And let us tell you, the Holy Spirit came down on top of us!  Our group was moved, as well as each person we prayed with.  Before we left, we circled around the pastor and lifted him and his community up in prayer.  He then prayed for us and we all sang Hallelujah in Spanish and English.  It was an incredibly moving moment!  Please pray for these people.  There is such oppression from the poverty and the biggest prayer requests were family issues, health problems and spiritual growth.  We continually reminded each person we prayed with that they are not alone.  

We had the opportunity to eat dinner together at a restaurant that was a convent during the colonial period.  It was a beautiful place full of history and ancient artifacts/grounds.  It was a moving time of sharing among the group.  Back at the hotel, Mateo and Cherene surprised Kelcei, Amber and Alejandra with a birthday cake since their birthdays are in May.  It was delicious!  

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Just when we think the next day cannot be more incredible than the one before, God shows up and demonstrates that it can.  This morning some of us were able to visit with one of the pastors that the group worked with last year.  He was in need of encouragement and mentioned that we were angels sent from above.  What an appointment from God!  Please keep him and his family in your prayers.  He heads up two churches, which keeps him stretched pretty thin.  And he does not have a second job at this time to supplement their income.  

Our afternoon consisted of a visit to an area HIV home.  Both children and adults live at this facility and it serves the community.  It is a beautiful place and such a blessing to so many.  We were able to spend time with the younger children (ages newborn to four years of age) and some of the staff.  The puppets performed, testimonies were shared, the gospel was presented and we were able to play games and color with the children and end with juice and cookies.  The director also gave us a tour of the facility.  It was an extremely hard visit.  While the facility is very nice, it was heartbreaking to see the children so sick and know they do not have families for whatever reason.  Some members of the group took it harder than others, but it was tough on everyone.  It definitely gave us perspective on what is important and how blessed we are.  Please keep these children and adults in your prayers.  Also, lift up the staff.  The Sheffield's had some ladies that worked in the kitchen pray to receive Jesus as their savior.  Hallelujah!  

Our group at the home with some of the children...

We ended our night by joining a church in the area for their Wednesday night service.  It was such a blessing.  Jose was able to sing and play the guitar.  And Mateo was able to share a short sermon on faith.  At the end, we were able to pray one-on-one with individuals seeking prayer.  There were so many broken people, oppressed by poverty and an array of issues.  But the Holy Spirit moved through our group and the congregation as we prayed through each issue.  We ended the service handing out food bags to each family and praying over them.  Two of the children and one of the ladies prayed to accept Jesus into their hearts.  Hallelujah!  Please pray for these people.  They were so grateful that we were there.  And we sure did receive a blessing from them.  

Edwin & Mateo sharing...

They have a food fellowship after church.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today we were amazed yet again at the work God did and is doing through us.  We started out at a public school about thirty minutes away.  The administration welcomed us and allowed us to spend time with the students and share about Jesus.  The puppets performed, games were played and sheets were colored.  But most importantly, the gospel was shared  through a puppet presentation and the EvangeCubes.  The children were so loving and very receptive of us being there.  We brought juice boxes and cookies for them to have before they let out for the day.  Elizabeth Sheffield and Andrew Chamberlain did a great job sharing the gospel.  And Daniel Gilliland formed an instant bond with a young man named Christian, who comes from a broken home, but has a relationship with Christ and is focused on living for Him.  Praise God!  (His story and his appreciation of Daniel and us being there brought tears to many eyes.)  Please keep Christian and his family in your prayers.  And remember the administration and staff at the school.

We left the school and went back to Jose and Alejandra's church for lunch and to prepare more food bags.  After a little bit of downtime, we had dinner at Pollo Compero (popular fast food restaurant).  We then traveled about thirty minutes away to a church where we worked with both the adults and children.  They were such an inviting group of people and were so grateful we came.  It was an awesome experience to hear them lift up their prayers to God in their native tongue.  The pastor introduced us to the congregation and Wendell Sheffield gave his testimony and Andrew Chamberlain presented the gospel using the EvangeCube.  They both did a great job.  The children were taken to their area where they were treated to the puppets singing, a presentation of the gospel using the EvangeCube and candy, crayons and cookies.  Before leaving, we handed out food bags to the families and prayed individually with the parents.  It was such a moving experience.  The people even prayed for us before we dismissed!  And the pastor mentioned that we were such a blessing just by being there, to remind them that they are not alone. Please keep this group of people in your prayers.  There is so much oppression here due to poverty, which leads to alcoholism and other problems.  We are grateful to God for those people in this country who have obeyed His calling to reach those that are lost.  And we are so honored to be able to help strengthen those relationships with God's help.  Even with so many bad things going on around them, they have happiness in Jesus.  

We appreciate the continued prayers.  Please pray that God will give us the strength and energy we need each day and that He will speak through us and be glorified in all that we say and do.  

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The group left early Monday morning for a village over an hour away.  We met one of the pastors in the area, who took us into where the people were.  The pastor had a small service and introduced us to the people.  Mateo was able to do a skit on the good Samaritan and had some of the children participate.  We then broke into groups and worked with the children.  They loved the puppets and music and the coloring and games.  We were able to present the gospel through one of the puppet skits.  Austin Norton and Wendell Sheffield did an amazing job!  At the end, Daniel Gilliland did a terrific job of witnessing with the children's EvangeCube.  Before leaving, we were able to pass food bags to each family that attended.  The people were shy and standoffish, but were all smiles and would talk to us through the interpreters if we reached out to them.  

Once we left the village, we stopped on the side of the road and had the lunch that Jose and Alejandra's church made for us.  Once back on the road, our interpreters surprised us with a detour to a beautiful lake that sat at the base of the volcanoes.  It was an absolutely stunning area!  We were able to spend some time there and fellowship with each other and the people.  Elizabeth Sheffield met a lady there that was born in Dothan, spent some time working in Birmingham and currently lives in New Orleans.  She is a children's social worker for Covenant House and mentioned how the Alabama Baptist had just given them a huge grant that is helping to continue their work.  What an appointment from God that was to meet her!  

We had about a two hour drive back to Antigua.  This gave us the opportunity to share our day's events and plan for the next day.  We also got into some pretty deep theological discussions.  You can only imagine how intense they were with Mateo and Wendell being in the mix!  :)  Once back in Antigua, we grabbed a quick dinner at Monoloco and then hit the sack.  We were all exhausted!  

Thanks for the continued prayers!  The Holy Spirit has been moving and working through us.  Our prayer is that seeds have been planted in the people we've encountered and that we've been a living sacrifice for our Lord.  

The village children...

Our Group

The lake where we stopped...

Sunday, May 12, 2013


We started the day off with a time of worship at Jose and Alejandra's (interpreters) church.  It was a moving mix of music and message in both Spanish and English.  We had the opportunity to work with the children of the church during their children's service.  They enjoyed the puppets and games and were so loving.  It truly was a joy to be there!  

After church, we had lunch at a wonderful Argentinean restaurant with our interpreters and some of their family members and then had a little downtime.  For dinner, we had McDonald's.  It was one of the nicest McDonald's we've seen!  We sat out in the huge, beautiful courtyard and discussed the plans for tomorrow, had a devotion and share session.  Our plans tomorrow include working with children at a church an hour or so away.  And we'll also be passing out food bags.  We split up into our teams once we arrived back at the hotel and organized our supplies, skits and games for tomorrow.  

We are all very excited about tomorrow!  And we appreciate your prayers.  Please continue to keep us lifted up!

This is Jose, one of our interpreters.  He is the music minister at his church.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

We made it!

We made it to Antigua!  Our flight from Miami to Guatemala City was uneventful. Thanks for praying!  Pastor Edwin, our driver and van were waiting on us at the airport.  They gave us a tour of the city and then took us to an authentic Guatemalan restaurant (the group was starving!). 
Kacao was lovely...and delicious! We ordered family-style and were able to sample the local cuisine...including their delicious coffee.  After lunch, we made the one and a half hour trek to Antigua.  We've all just gotten settled into our gorgeous hotel...Hotel El Meson De Maria.  We'll be meeting our interpreters for dinner this evening to discuss our plans for the week.  The people here are incredible.  They are so kind and have the sweetest smiles.

Please keep us in your prayers!  We are all excited to dig in and be the hands and feet of Jesus to these amazing people.

Kacao - The restaurant where we had lunch.